Codi VoreScoreland



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“Codi Vore is flirting online. All that stroking on the keyboard makes her want to stroke herself. She leaves her laptop on the bed so she can take a trip to happy town.
Gorgeous Codi has equally beautiful 30K-cups. It’s not easy for her to find bras that fit, something that we’ve talked about for years with girls as stacked as Codi.
SCORE: So Codi, it’s hard for you to find bras that fit.
CODI: Definitely. The last bra I bought was at a bra boutique where they specialize in bras for big boobs, and even then, it didn’t fit all the time and it was a little uncomfortable. It was special ordered. I used to go to Victoria’s Secret before I realized just how big my boobs are. I’d get sized, and they would tell me all different sizes because nothing at Victoria’s Secret would ever fit me. I was told 36 triple-D and a couple of other ones. I have to wear a 32-inch band because I happen to have a very small figure. I just happen to have gigantic tits on top of it. I’m pretty thin around, so I need a bra that fits nicely there, and that can be really tough to find. That’s why I don’t go shopping for bras. Nothing fits! It can get very frustrating………

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“The fantabulous Codi Vore is on her laptop camming as usual. Codi gets worked-up and needs to cum. Typing and cumming at the same time is a little difficult so cumming cums first.
“Bras are uncomfortable so if I’m at home, I’m almost never wearing one,” Codi explained. “I have to wear a bra when I go out, though, because otherwise none of my clothes would fit right.”
Codi has some pretty unusual sexual interests. She gets her surname from one of those interests. “In real life, I’m very assertive. So I’m very blunt about hook-ups and flirting. In the bedroom, I am a passive, submissive girl. A rough fuck, a creampie and cuddles is very satisfying to me. My favorite position is doggie-style.”
“Also my nipples are very sensitive so light nipple play is a huge turn-on. I love being teased and edged. Nothing makes me wetter than not being allowed to touch myself while I squirm and beg for more.””

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