


New AMAZING set (80 exclusive, extremely Hig-Rez Photos 2000 x 3000 – 3000 x 2000) and HD Movie (17:20 min@ Scoreland!

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“They say the world’s smallest handcuffs are wedding rings.
Well, here’s that Pacific-Northwesterner Tiggle Bitties out to stir it up on a fantasy wedding trip. It’s a honeymoon of hooters and brides like Tiggle don’t cum along every night of the year. Tig needed to have that gown form-fitted for her super-curvy body and mind-blowing boobs, incredible tits that give you uncontrollable fits.

Tig’s got a talent for cosplay. Student, fetish mistress, cocktail server…but bride is the best yet. You can skip the pre-nuptial bachelor party. Who needs a stripper and beer-bloated bros with this honeymoon honey to play with in a love-nest?

“I actually forget sometimes that I have big boobs,” said Tiggle. who’s never left the Top Rated 20 since she eloped to SCORELAND. “I’ll be looking at a picture of me, and I’m like, ‘Wow! I can’t believe those are mine!’ I have a lot of men friends, and they say they play with their cocks just because they’re there. It’s the same thing for me. I’m playing with them because they’re there because they’re soft and warm and fun. And you know, being a model tops everything I’ve done before this.”

SPECIAL “3 month MEMBERSHIP” US $19.99/month

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“Here comes the bride. And here cums the bride.
Marriage is when the man loses his bachelors’ degree and the woman gets her masters’ degree. But that’s just fine when the busty bride is the great Tiggle Bitties.

The groom won’t need his breast man to throw a bachelor party for him with Tiggle waiting in bed. Why get boob-drunk with pole-dancers when Tiggle’s got all a guy needs and wants? The scene opens with Tiggle swinging her feet in the air and dressed in her bridal finery.

This could be Tiggle’s horniest SCORELAND scene of them all. Tiggle has a confession to make first. Then she gives up that sweet stuff. And topping it all off like the two dolls on a wedding cake is the horny honeymoon pillow talk Tiggle murmurs.
“I love long, tortuous teasing followed by a good screw,” Tiggle teased in her alluring way. “I love to have my nipples played with. Gently and then not so gently.”

Says the gushing bride, “I love screwing under a big, full moon and having just a finger inserted into my butt when someone’s going down on me. When I give a blow job, I prefer to pull the cum in and swallow it.”

SPECIAL “3 month MEMBERSHIP” US $19.99/month

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