


New AMAZING set (85 exclusive, extremely Hig-Rez Photos 2000 x 3000 – 3000 x 2000) and HD Movie (17:25 min@ Scoreland!

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“It’s been well over a year since Maya Milano last appeared at SCORELAND. Lots of messages have come in since then asking for more Maya. She’s one of a group of outstanding Euro babes that include Juliana Simms, Joana Bliss, Alexya, Micky Bells, Demmy Blaze, Larissa Linn and, most recently, Daria.
Maya’s been busy wrapping up her university studies and other interests and commitments so she wasn’t able to travel to the studio until now.
“I did not have the time to go to Prague and model for many months,” Maya explained, via one of our Euro translators. “Once I was able to set aside some days, I was eager to pose again. I enjoy the experience and the chance to make new beautiful pictures.”
Maya is more of a knock-out than ever with a pair of the most-gorgeous boobs and one of the sexiest, most voluptuous bods on the planet. Welcome back!”

SPECIAL “3 month MEMBERSHIP” US $19.99/month

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“Maya Milano is back after more than a year out of the picture and she’s looking even bustier and sexier than ever. Her return show is loaded with lots of boobs and pussy close-ups, tit-squeezing and squishing. Her nipples are already erect when she takes them out of her tight bra.
“I have very sensitive breasts,” Maya said to our translator. “Anything, any friction or rubbing against my bras or my tops makes my nipples hard. They are sensitive.” Those breasts really are fantastic. This gorgeous knockout has been blessed in many ways by nature and heredity.
When Maya began in 2004, she didn’t show much open leg. As time went on, Maya loosened up on-camera. Now she’s rubbing her clit with the camera a few inches away.
“I missed modeling. I enjoyed visiting Prague before to pose for SCORELAND and I’m happy to be back again so all the guys can see me once again.” We missed Maya too and we’re as glad as she is that she’s returned.”

SPECIAL “3 month MEMBERSHIP” US $19.99/month

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