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“Britain’s Tia Clegg is a dancer, model and Babestation presenter like Daniella Levy. Babestation is a British TV sex lines show that lets viewers chat with hot models through phone or text messages while they watch her on TV..dirty chats, naturally. Meanwhile, the girls hold a phone while the other hand gets busy. This gives new meaning to the phrase, “Please hold.” This is Tia’s first time at SCORELAND. SCORELAND: How did you get started as a model? Tia: I started doing regular modeling and I was in several beauty contests. Then I decided to get naughty. Now I like to play with my big boobs and my pussy. I also like dominating. I like to be in control. SCORELAND: What’s your favorite place for sex? Tia: I like having sex outdoors. All of my top sexual experiences have been in public places, really.

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“British SCORELAND members will know Tia Clegg from Babestation, the UK TV sex lines show that lets viewers communicate with foxy presenters through text or phone. It’s kind of an acceptable way of making a dirty phone call to a girl while you watch her on TV. Daniella Levy is also on Babestation. There’s nothing like it in the States. Usually in bed or on a couch, the girls will hold a phone in one hand and play with their bodies with the other, getting into different fuck-me poses, sometimes using a toy. This is her first time at SCORELAND. A beauty contest winner, professional dancer, webcam girl and extra (the Brit TV show Hollyoaks), Tia has an unusual point of view about guys. SCORELAND: What makes you laugh the hardest?Tia: A guy with a very bad temper as I find they are the best in bed. SCORELAND: So what turns you on? Tia: It turns me on when a guy ignores me. It makes me want him more.How any guy could ignore Tia is beyond us. ….”

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