Cheryl Blossom



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All reading and no playing makes a university student restless.
“I’m good at mathematics and other sciences,” said well-rounded Cheryl Blossom. “I like to read books and I prefer classic Russian literature.”
We interrupted Cheryl at work on her laptop at just the right moment. She was happy for a change of pace. Cheryl loves the camera and the camera loves her.
Taking off her shorts, top, bra and panties during break time comes naturally now to the beautiful and beautifully-built, young Russian girl-next-door.
“If I were to rate my favorite body parts by number [with 1 being most-favorite], 4 is for my belly. 3 is for my ass. I don’t think I have a favorite boob, but since I have to decide, 2 is my left boob and 1 is my right boob. So my boobs are numbers one and two.”

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Cheryl Blossom’s the ultimate girl-next-door, if the girl-next-door is beautiful and has 38J sweater-stretching breasts. She’s on her laptop but we insist on being a distraction. Cheryl stops what she’s doing to chat, and to very slowly take off her tight, white shorts and button-down grey top.
Unhooking her bra and taking off her panties, Cheryl swings her boobs to demonstrate the physics of breast kinesiology. It’s a subject we’ve traveled the world to study. The action shifts into slow motion for better detailed analysis. Some study the heavenly bodies in space. We study the heavenly bodies on Earth.
Cheryl said a webcam model helped her to see that big boobs are beautiful. “Before, I had never heard that from guys or other people. My granny thought that big chests are not beautiful and was always telling me to hide them.”
Staying naked, Cheryl puts her glasses back on and turns her attention back to her laptop. We’re happy to have given her the opportunity to take a break…

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More Cheryl Blossom @ Boobglam

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