


New UNBELIEVABLE Set (120 exclusive, extremely Hig-Rez Photos 2000 x 3000 – 3000 x 2000) and HD Movie (20:02 min@ Scoreland!

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“Whether or not I want to emphasize my breasts, depends on the place and occasion or event,” said super-busty Anastasia L’Amour.
“If I’m going grocery shopping or to the gym, I’m definitely wearing a jogging outfit with sneakers, very low-key. But if I’m going out on a date, or to a club or a special event such as Exotica, or filming a scene and doing photo shoots, then I’m 100% going to be emphasizing my breasts and I will dress to the nines.
“As a teenager, I was a cheerleader and in my early 20s, I started to do competitive bikini contests. I don’t do those anymore. I mainly focus on my daily workout routine with my trainer at the gym and my diet. Yoga and meditation are lifestyle choices I have now as well. Even when I’m touring, I will stick to my routine whether or not my trainer is there.”

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“I started in the adult industry as an exotic dancer at the age of 18, working in New York City and Las Vegas gentlemen’s clubs. It was so much fun meeting new people,” Anastasia L’Amour said.
“I found out about The SCORE Group through a friend that I’ve known for many years who had recommended I pursue my goals in adult films and modeling. I remember looking through the magazines and the films. It’s been a dream goal of mine to have the wonderful opportunity to work with your team.”
Anastasia wears handcrafted bras to support her huge boobs.
“The bras I usually wear are custom-made by a special friend who owns her own boutique and designs and creates by-hand my one-of-a-kind gowns, dresses, bikinis and bra and thong sets for most of my photo shoots and films. I’m so used to wearing a bra every day that it comes naturally when I’m in a jogging outfit or casual attire but I won’t wear a bra if I’m wearing a long, sexy gown or low-cut V-neck top.”

SPECIAL “3 month MEMBERSHIP” US $19.99/month (33% OFF)

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