

is an adult website providing live webcam performances by amateur camgirls, camboys and couples typically featuring nudity and sexual activity ranging from striptease and dirty talk to masturbation with sex toys. The site is divided into five categories: female cams, male cams, couple cams, transgender cams and spy shows.

“Chaturbate” is a portmanteau of “chat” and “masturbate”. Viewers are allowed to watch for free (with the exception of Private Shows), but pay money in the form of “tips” in order to see certain sex acts performed. The site itself earns revenues by taking roughly 40% of what performers make. In addition generates revenue from the audience when they purchase tokens using their credit cards.

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Is Chaturbate free?

Yes, is 100% Free. Its Free to watch. Free to broadcast your and Free to register.
is free to register, and users can watch most shows in various chat rooms at no cost. Users spend money when they tip performers with tokens that they have previously purchased through the site. Watching a private show also costs money, with private shows ranking from 6 tokens per minute to 90 tokens per minute, depending on the content and performer of the show.

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