


New INCREDIBLE set (100 exclusive, extremely Hig-Rez Photos 2000 x 3000 – 3000 x 2000) and HD Movie (23:22 min@ Scoreland!

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Minka’s looking fit, trim, tight and well-toned. Her regular tennis practice and competitive matches keep the big-bust legend in great shape. Her neon-green dress is tight, low-cut, short and holey. Those holes provide access points to Minka’s extremely long nipples that she tweaks, pulls and pinches. Nipples that give a man a black eye or two. “Nipple number-one,” is an expression Minka often uses.
Minka’s massive tits are deadly weapons and her nipples are the longest ever seen at SCORELAND. In the close-ups of Minka plunging a thick, flesh-like cock into her pussy, her amazing, extra-large, sensitive clit is also shown in extreme close-up. Minka cums hard when she rubs it during fucking or masturbation.
“I’m on the tennis court every day. I have a team. I coach, but I made them too strong. Mentally strong. We intimidate the other team. Psyche them out. If you’re going to be good, you have to have a mental game. And I’m the coach, so every team is writing letters…

There’s no one like Minka. There never will be anyone like Minka. She’s in a league of her own.
The dress Minka chose to wear is neon-green, short, tight and holey. So full of holes that the dress allows total access, as you will see. It’s not exactly the kind of dress that Minka would wear to a Las Vegas buffet. When not on-camera shooting videos and photos, it’s either jeans and a T-shirt or a tennis outfit for Minka.
Minka’s holey dress allows her to tweak and pull on her incredibly long nipples in close-ups, the longest nipples ever seen at SCORELAND. When Minka fucks her pussy with a big, dildo-cock, the close-ups show how big her sensitive clit is. It could be the largest clitoris ever seen at SCORELAND.
Constant tennis practice and competitive matches keep Minka’s body fit, tight, trim and well-muscled. There’s not an ounce of fat on her slim physique.

SPECIAL “3 month MEMBERSHIP” US $19.99/month

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