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“Any day is a great day for bikini busting at SCORELAND. Busting her bikini at poolside is blonde showgirl Victoria Vale, a Las Vegas vixen with fantasy-physique breasts. When Victoria is lounging in a bikini at a hotel pool, she must have every guy there adding to his fantasy spank bank.
“I love dates where I am dressed up in a very low-cut outfit with high heels and no panties,” Victoria said. “We go out to a nice dinner and then out for a night of dancing with lots of sexy kissing and touching. Then maybe to a strip club later.
I love to masturbate. I especially love watching hot porn and playing with my vibrating egg and magic wand. I am an assertive woman and I want sex as often as possible.
“I would love to play with two gorgeous women with huge boobs, all three of us pleasuring each other with mouths and toys. I love beautiful, busty women, especially MILFS. I have a fantasy of feeling a huge cock deep inside me while I suck another guy off. When I give a blow job, I love to swallow every drop of cum but sometimes it is hot for him to shoot on my huge tits.”

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“A former car show model, blonde bombshell Victoria was always used to attention. She gets even more attention now after shooting for SCORE. She debuted in the April ’18 issue. Victoria lives in Las Vegas, definitely the right kind of town for smokin’ hot women who were made for men’s magazine layouts.
“I love going out wearing low-cut, skimpy dresses and my highest heels,” Victoria Vale teased. “The attention really turns me on. I get a ton of attention because of the size of my breasts. They are hard to hide.” We’d say her breasts are impossible to hide.
At poolside, bikini-clad Victoria stretches her top to the maximum. Thanks to modern manufacturing techniques, today’s bikini straps and cups can really handle a lot of stress. She went inside the house to cum since it’s a lot cooler, but the room got very hot very quickly.”

SPECIAL “3 month MEMBERSHIP” US $19.99/month (33% OFF)

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