Cheryl BlossomScoreland



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“I feel more comfortable when I wear a bra, so it’s always on me, but I prefer to sleep without it,” young Cheryl Blossom said. “Sometimes, if I lie in bed all day long, then I don’t wear a bra. My size is about a J-cup right now, although sometimes they get bigger. My chest is always becoming bigger. It’s been like that all my life.”
Like many Russian, Ukrainian and eastern European models, Cheryl has no tattoos or piercings. Notes Voluptuous editor Dave, “Cheryl has a sweet voice and a playful innocence about her.”
Cheryl is shy when it comes to talking about sex. “There are some things I hesitate to talk about. Masturbation is one of them. I’m very embarrassed to discuss it. I do like more sensual, rough sex. Tenderness should also be there but for me passion is more important. I’m not a supporter of casual sex. Therefore, I only have sex with a man with whom I am in a relationship. Sometimes I don’t have sex for six months or more.”

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“Cheryl Blossom was blessed with big boobs and beauty. It was surely a bodacious blessing for all breast men that Cheryl decided to become a webcam girl and then transition into photo and video modeling. Just look at her twins and give thanks that Cheryl made that move.
“I do get a lot of attention,” Cheryl said. “When I was younger, I was teased. I didn’t understand for a long time that big breasts are beautiful. 
“I look at things now with humor. Sometimes I walk down the street and men turn around or shout out words of surprise or approval. It’s especially funny to watch the reaction of men who go hand-in-hand with their girlfriends. Many of them try not to look but it turns out badly.”
Badly as in when the girlfriends slap them for gawking. It happens worldwide.”


“I have a friend who’s a photographer, and one day, he told me that he knows a girl with a big chest, and she can help me with finding modeling jobs, so I wrote to Demmy Blaze,” said Cheryl Blossom. “We are just two girls who help each other and have a good relationship, and she told me about SCORELAND.”
Cheryl and Demmy haven’t met face-to-face yet. That would be a sensational sight.
“I think I was a little surprised when I first saw SCORELAND. Before I saw it, I couldn’t imagine that there could be a place where girls with big chests could model and there could be a place where only girls with big chests were shooting.”
Cheryl said her bras are either J- or K-cups. 
“I have no special preference in the style of bras. If I like the model, then I buy it. Of course, before I buy, I need to try it on to be sure that I’m not mistaken with the size and shape.”
SCORE magazine isn’t sold in Russia. Maybe one day.”

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More Cheryl Blossom @ Boobglam

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