Cheryl BlossomScoreland



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Cheryl Blossom used to conceal her sensational assets. Having seen her since 2018, we can’t imagine a world without her videos and photos.
“Earlier, I used to hide the size of my chest to feel more comfortable,” Cheryl said. Over time and by getting immersed in her modeling, making it an important part of her life, she now appreciates the gifts that nature has bestowed upon her.
“I like clothes with a neckline, although I don’t need to wear something special to attract attention. I try to avoid the sun, so I think if you saw me outside in the summer, I would have something with long sleeves, and perhaps you wouldn’t see me when the sun is out. I do feel more comfortable wearing a bra, so I usually wear one. If I’m in bed, I don’t wear one.”
Cheryl owns a top for every occasion. We’ll see only a fraction of what she has in her dresser drawers in this sensational photo shoot.
It’s looking like Cheryl will take the SCORELAND Model of the Year 2021 contest as she did for 2020.…

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“I really don’t want to hide my cleavage,” Cheryl Blossom tells us in this show-and-tell scene in which she shows us several tops for her spectacular breasts.
“I want to show my cleavage and at the same time stay warm. So today, I will show you and you can choose.”
The first top Cheryl wears is a brown tank top with thin straps. Her boobs look about to spill out. She jiggles and bounces. This tank’s a winner in every way.
Cheryl holds her tops in the air and then picks one to wear next. She’s about to choose a sparkly blue one that looks like it’s for going out partying but throws it back on the pile to pick a powder-blue blouse that has an open front. Cheryl talks about what she would wear with this kind of top and does her bounce test in it, one of the great sights in life.
Cheryl tries on four more of her tanks and blouses, each different, and each one designed to decorate her supernatural figure. If she ever entered a best chest or wet T-shirt contest, all the other…

More Cheryl Blossom @ Boobglam

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