Cheryl Blossom



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The lovely and talented Cheryl Blossom conducts a symphony of boobs, her harmonious hooters making that unmistakable, sweet, sweet sound of two big, heavy tits clashing like cymbals.
In normal or slow motion, Cheryl claps on and claps off in tune with the sound of the bed frame knocking on every gravity-defying bounce. Her twins swing like a pendulum, they bounce like she’s on a trampoline. A dousing of baby oil creates the slippery nipple effect.
“Earlier, I tried to hide the size of my chest to feel more comfortable. Now I like to wear things with a neckline. I don’t think that in order to draw attention to my breasts, I need to wear something special.”
Cheryl assigned ratings to her body in a previous scene. “Number four is for my belly. Number three is for my ass. I don’t think I have a favorite boob, but since I have to decide, number two is my left boob and number one is my right boob. So my big boobs are numbers one and two.”

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Why Cheryl Blossom’s vigorous boob bouncing and swinging didn’t break the bed is a mystery. The people on the floor below must have been out because no one could ignore the loud boom-boom-boom of the bed frame knocking against the floor while Cheryl used it like a trampoline.
Cheryl could skip her fitness class that day because she got a high-energy, total workout for nearly 40 minutes that left her breathless when she was done. Coating her big breasts in baby oil, Cheryl tirelessly swings and jiggles her shiny twins like a go-go dancer, some of the momentum captured in slow motion.
Cheryl’s an indoors kinda girl. Keeping her creamy skin creamy is the plan.
“I try to avoid the sun, so I think if you saw me outside in the summer, I would have something with long sleeves, but it’s more likely you wouldn’t see me when the sun is out.”

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More Cheryl Blossom @ Boobglam



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