Cheryl Blossom



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Here’s a different side of Cheryl Blossom, a girl who likes to both be herself and role-play on-camera. This bad-girl Cheryl wears a red halter top with a front zipper, a mini-skirt, stockings, thong panties and red high heels. Her makeup is 100% femme fatale. Dark eyes, deep-red lipstick. The kind of sultry makeup a man-killer wears. Cheryl role-plays the look to perfection, climbing on a table and showing off every beautiful inch.
“Cheryl Blossom is such a doll, a great model,” said the photographer of this shoot, a pro who has photographed hundreds of girls for over twenty years.
“I consider myself to be 95% heterosexual,” Cheryl wrote. “Sometimes me and my girlfriend work together on the webcam but everything that happens there is play. I am not a supporter of casual sex. Therefore, I only have sex with a man with whom I am in a relationship. Sometimes, I don’t have sex for six months or more.”

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Cheryl Blossom is a good-girl-next-door, a college student who took the plunge into nude modeling. Here’s a different side of Cheryl Blossom, dressed in a red halter top that zips up the front and tight mini-skirt, black stockings, black thong panties and bad girl heels, and made-up like a femme fatale with dark eye makeup, the kind of enticing man-eater who gets a guy into trouble and has him eating out of her hand.
Cheryl enters the room with an eye-banging, spell-casting, almost challenging gaze that says “Come here” and slowly undresses, climbs onto a tabletop and shows every gorgeous inch of her world-class body in sultry poses. She shakes and swings her big boobs, the video set to slow-motion.
“I think mostly guys look at my eyes but if they are looking at my chest, I don’t say anything,” Cheryl said. “Sometimes I am not looking at their eyes, either. Sometimes I walk down the street and men turn around or shout out words of surprise or approval.”

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More Cheryl Blossom @ Boobglam

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