Katy Ann




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Mastheads (usually statues of pretty women) were added to boats and ships for good luck. SCORELAND goes one better with monokini-busting mermaid Katy Ann dancing and bouncing with high energy on the bow while our boat boob-cruised along Miami. Dancing out of her cut-off shorts and swimsuit, exuberant Katy Ann wore the wind as she came on the boat.
“My sexual fantasies are having sex near a waterfall, having sex in a field of flowers, being tied up after going shopping with ribbon from a package and having kinky sex. I always wanted to have sex in the ocean, but I’m afraid it might sweep me away so maybe by a waterfall,” Katy Ann told us. “I once went to Hawaii, and that was my fantasy, but the water was really cold and the waterfall was coming down really hard and I was like, ‘I really don’t think I’m going to be able to have sex that way.’ It’s not very practical. It looks pretty. Kind of like shower sex.”

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More Katy Ann @ Boobglam

Sexy stunner Katy Ann is a dancin’ machine on the good ship SCORELAND as it cruises the waters, the skyline of Magic City Miami in the background. The weather cooperates and the sun isn’t blocked by cloud cover as if it knows Katy Ann is here from Texas. Regular boaters in the area see a lot of bouncing swimsuit babes in their travels but have they ever seen anyone as stacked and shapely as Katy Ann? She does justice to cut-off denim shorts.
“My boobs are soft and squishy,” Katy Ann said. “They feel a bit firm. These are not rock hard at all. They have movement. They just feel pillow-soft. They feel great, like a nice, firm pillow.
“When I work out, I need three bras, two sports bras and a heavy duty support bra. I don’t want them to bounce. Some guys will say, ‘What do you mean you don’t want them to bounce?’ because they definitely have movement.”
All bras were off for this boat trip. Katy Ann’s monokini top slipped off 40 seconds into her on-deck bouncing dance party. Good times.

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