Shelby Gibson




New INCREDIBLE set (100 exclusive, extremely Hig-Rez Photos 2000 x 3000 – 3000 x 2000) and HD Movie (20:53 min@ Scoreland!

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“SCORELAND: What have you learned about yourself sexually, if anything, since becoming a SCORE Girl?
Shelby: Oh my god, it has been so much fun! I wish that I had started sooner. I wish that I hadn’t waited so long since my last time. I won’t wait this time and definitely want to come back as soon as you want me. What held me back before was being unsure of myself. Not being comfortable showing myself to the world. The biggest thing I have learned about myself since becoming a SCORE Girl is that I can let go and be myself. That people actually want to see me and it is okay for me to show them. That sex is fun and don’t be ashamed to show it!
SCORELAND: Do you watch any of JMac’s other scenes at SCORELAND? Which ones are your favorites?
Shelby: I love to watch JMac’s pics and videos. And now that I’ve finally fucked him, I like watching him even more! He has done so many good ones, it is hard to pick favorites. But I especially liked him…”

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More Shelby Gibson @ Boobglam

“Super-busty SCORE WILF Shelby Gibson is back for round two with the stud who makes the adult world spin for her: JMac. Three years after 5’1″ Shelby sucked and tit-fucked her 6’3″ porn idol, she returned. The reaction to that news was swift. Those who had given up on the possibility were jazzed.
This is round two, filmed P.O.V.-style.
“I really wanted to come back and was very excited about that,” said Shelby, who was “traveling, having a great time, enjoying life” during the past three years. 
“I was still very nervous because it’s something I hadn’t done before. Excited, and I really wanted to make my fans happy and have a good time. I felt like I was ready to go to the next step.”
SCORELAND: When you shot for us the first time, you had no idea how guys would react to you. Are you surprised by the reaction guys have had?
SHELBY: Absolutely. I’ve gotten some of the nicest comments, some of them a little dirty, from your readers. It’s been great. I just can’t…

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